Thursday, March 09, 2023


Abomasitis, also known as congestive abomasal disorder, is a rare but potentially fatal digestive ailment that affects various livestock species. This ailment is caused by inflammation in the reticulo-rumen and abomasum, which make up the “true” stomach of an animal’s four stomach system. Symptoms of this condition can vary from stiffness to swelling and may even result in edema or fluid accumulation in the peritoneal cavity. If left untreated, abomasitis can lead to long-term damage including ulcers and abscesses in the digestive organs, leading to severe dehydration or starvation. Fortunately, with proper medical treatment, most animals can make a successful recovery from this disorder; however it is important for all animal owners to be watchful for any signs of abomalitis so that it can be caught and treated early.

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